Samriddhi Arjeria
2 min readMay 6, 2023
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold.

Dear Love,

I was young and naive when I met you, with the purest intentions I loved you. I am graced to make you a part of my existence and never for a little while I rue.

In times of gloom, I never asked you to hug or kiss me, I was fulfilled, with you being there. In times of glee, I never asked you to live it up with me, I was pleased, with you being there. In times of need, I never asked you to hold my hand firmly, I was contented, with you being there. When in all of these times, all I craved for, was you clinching me in your arms and letting me feel safe, as I regarded you my home. My home was then demolished, in those times, I never asked you to cease my ache, I was gratified, with you not being there.

And today, as I look back, all I can say to you is; Thankyou! Thankyou for not giving me what I wanted. Because now I know what I needed. I needed you to break me in million pieces, in order for me to create myself. As I am still picking up those shards, I am also paving my way towards rivers and mountains, snows and rains, autumns and springs, cities and lanes, books and music, coffees and cakes, and some more pains. Many more distances to cover until I finally become a golden darn.

Thankyou for making be a beautiful ruin!

With Love!

