Proactive Autopilot Mode: ON!

Samriddhi Arjeria
4 min readJun 12, 2022
“Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice “- Stephen Covey

There are two types of people in this world, Reactive and Proactive. Many of you must have heard of these two kinds of people. In case you did not, here’s a basic idea — Reactive people are more willed towards the external environment; things which we usually cannot control. Whereas, Proactive people get wise towards their inner self; the only thing which we can control.

Being a Reactive or a Proactive is a personal choice, same as being unhappy or happy is. Reactive personality brings unhappiness in our lives. How? Depending on external factors for happiness , also brings unhappiness with the fact that those external factors might not effectuate. We plan a family picnic on sunday, near the beach, and suddenly it starts raining. A reactive person will keep on grumbling all day; while a proactive person might enjoy the day by having a hot coffee with loved ones and recalling the old happy memories.

Proactive behaviour helps us grow in all phases of life and the reactive behaviour keeps us delving into the past. Why to hurt ourselves reacting to something which is not even in our control? It’ll only make us a fish in the pond. We need to understand that happiness is a mindset, independent from the external factors.

There are numerous benefits of being a proactive person but the main idea is to perceive yourself from within, being clear about your priorities and working on those priorities gracefully by passing stumbling blocks and not escaping them.

How to switch on your Proactive mode?

  1. GOALS- Set your goals and write it down in detail. I know we have read this particular point so many times in our lives that it hardly shifts our mindset. No matter how much emphasis I apply on this one point “set your goals and write it down in detail”, it will never be enough. The clarity that you get after writing your goals gives you higher energy as compared to having it just in your mind. I would recommend to atleast jot down your goals somewhere, if not writing it in detail; so that you have a clear vision of what do you want to achieve in the coming months or years. Writing down your goals would help you manifest it even faster. Proactive people always set their goals in the most effective manner possible.
  2. CONSISTENCY AND DISCIPLINE- Proactive people are consistent towards their goals. Consistency is the key to achieve anything in life. Like a seed takes time to grow into a beautiful plant, so will our seed of goals will take time. Consistency comes with discipline. Discipline helps us to control our body and mind. In the absence of discipline, our subconscious mind controls us. It hinders our growth and tells us to linger in our comfort zone. Whereas, with Discipline we control our mind and do what is necessary for our growth.
  3. PLAN- Planning is something which proactive people do at every step of their way. From planning their next day or week to planning their vacations, THEY PLAN EVERYTHING.
  4. PRIOTRIZE YOUR TASKS- Being clear about your priorities is something a proactive person is sorted about. The person is well aware and clear about what to do at a particular moment and what can wait for a little longer.
  5. DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS- Proactive people make sure to prepare themselves for the looming problems, that might come in future. If not able to foresee them, they face their problems and find solutions, only if they have control over the problem or incase of problems that are beyond one’s control, they accept the problems the way they are and move on onto their next priority. Reactive people usually try to escape their problem and then later when it becomes a huge hurdle, they blast. Proactive people are always ready for any circumstances, while the reactive ones, wonders how did this happen to them.
  6. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR ACTIONS- Take responsibility of your decisions/actions and its consequences. You have to understand, every action has highs and lows. We cannot just simply accept the opportunities and escape the detriments. So whenever you take any decision, make sure that you know the peripheral of that action.
  7. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL- Proactive people focus on things which can be controlled. They never waste their time on things which are not capable of being controlled. On the other hand, things which are uncontrollable, are supposed to be accepted the way they are.
  8. SEEK FOR PEACEFULNESS IN LIFE- Your ultimate goal should be to seek peacefulness in whatever decision you take. Try to find calmness in perseverance, and accept the challenges gracefully.

Whatever you sow, so shall you reap! If you sow the seeds of positivity, you will definitely reap the flowers of true blissfulness. You lay the focus on being proactive, and you’ll see it will magnify the energy of happiness and calmness within you. After all, it is all about the “inner you”!

